- Samuel Choi
- Jonathan Sreeves
- Veronika Chirkina
- Elisa Maharaj
- Mariya Shalunova
Chaplaincy Centre
chaplaincy 3d model by samuelchoi on Sketchfab
The Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre began construction in 1968 and was completed in 1969 by the architecture firm Cassidy and Ashton and Gabriel Epstein. Epstein was a founder of Shepheard Epstein Hunter (SEH) an award-winning architecture practice. Epstein suggested it was best to build the chaplaincy on the north-west of Alexandra Square. Moreover, Cassidy and Ashton are a multi-disciplinary and award-winning firm for architecture.
The Chaplaincy Centre was represented by many different communities and multiple Christian churches. It wasn’t until later that the Jewish community joined; this is when the University Grants Committee agreed to help with the cost of fees.
The design of the Chaplaincy Centre is represented by three-pronged spire on the faces of the three circular lobes that point upwards on the top of the chapel. The spires are said to represent the coming together of Nonconformism, Catholicism and Anglicanism which are common Christian dominations. Regardless of belief, the chapel welcomes everyone regarding belief and background allowing for students of all faith to use the facility. Originally, the Chaplaincy had three crosses which was later removed due to concern revolving around the multiple faiths the chapel supported, this resulted in three spikes that point upwards.
The Chaplaincy Centre itself was part of the initial masterplans of the university, however only executed 5 years later after the opening of the university.
Angel In Boots
Angel in Boots is a limestone sculpture commissioned by Mary Gavaghan in 1990. The artist of the artwork is Shawn Williamson, where the artwork was finally established in Lancaster University in 1999.
Shawn Williamson is a British sculptor who majored in a bachelor of Art and English, as well as a lecturer in Lancaster University. Williamson first trained as an architectural stone carver then moved on to be an assistant and pupil to Josefina de Vasconcellos. In the UK, Williamson has created thirty public commissions, with his main work usually being in the medium of stone. He is professionally trained in many different aspects of sculpting, ranging from larger scale sculptures to the production of smaller maquettes and models in many materials including bronze and stone.
In Williamson’s personal life, between 1979 and 1982, he worked as a seaman spending many voyages sailing down one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world, this being Lake Superior. He spent much of his time sailing the Great Lakes, which was a powerhouse for trade and commerce throughout the USA and the rest of the world. It was in Williamson’s interest to return to the USA to sculpt the Fortitude concept. The Iron ore industry and his voyages down the Great Lakes greatly influenced his dream to create stone sculptures.
The commissioner of the artwork, Mary Gavaghan is the rightful owner of Gavaghan Art, specialising in Modern and Contemporary British Art. Her work consists of many exhibitions and the holding of events for her commissions.